Category Archives: Other

Tangled Earbuds

Nothing beats relaxing in style – and music can certainly help! So what could be better than taking tiny orbs connected by some thin cabling and JAMMING them in your ears to hear the sound? It’s a one-of-a-kind experience, of course! Just, try not to puncture an eardrum during all that. Wouldn’t want to damage the equipment, now would we?

Problem is, when you’re done with these small implants, what do you do with them? Unplug them from your device of choice and ball them up in some fashion, right? During that, you assume that it’s completely harmless – I mean, they’re just sitting there lazily, doing nothing of importance (much like a certain blog author who insists that he writes on a semi-daily basis)! What dilemma could they ever present?

The very next day, you arrive back at the fabled spot of electronic discard, ready to use these earpieces for another bout of stress-relieving. But lo! for this contraption now has more tangles than an adolescent girl’s bedhead! More mats than a shaggy dog’s fur! More ties than a successful businessman! More knots than a fast-moving sea vessel!

And so you take the next two, three, six minutes, assuming a role as a reverse Boy Scout, trying your darndest to get your gear back in working, streamlined order, thinking all the while that there must be a better way.

Come to think of it — why isn’t there one?

Let Tangled Earbuds Die

Photo Credits: Here

Stylish Gum Packages

That’s right! These oddly patterned, chewing-medium holders are sure to compliment hipsters of all sizes! They’ll match perfectly with your other essentials, like hairbrush covers, scarf tassles, and berets.

Thanks, Orbit gum. No, no, really.

Let Stylish Gum Packages Die

Photo Credits: Here

Unexpected Visitors

“Ask not for whom the doorbell tolls – it tolls for thee.”

At least, some days it certainly seems like it. Are-you-sure-you-didn’t-order-a-pizza this, notice-proclaiming-that-your-package-can’t-be-delivered-until-you-pick-it-up-because-you-were-in-the-bathroom-at-the-time-of-the-delivery that…those instances can really ruin the flow of a day. Yet, these are not the worst random events that can wander their way on to your doorstep. The unnannounced guests take that top (or, rather, bottom) spot.

Panic mode. Not only do you have to try and appear peaceable to these intruders, but, for the lesser-backboned, simple entertaining duties become an additional chore. Would you like to imbibe some of my precious household resources? Sorry, that doesn’t come in “Diet”. And yes, I’d love to talk about your medical experiences involving sliding on a puddle of pus, but I really do need to finish this tax return. No, no, I don’t want help. And no, I can’t list you as a dependent.

At least there’s that overwhelming sense of relief when the offending party leaves. What’s unfortunate is that there shouldn’t have been any stress in the first place. So please, interested visitors to my and others’ abodes: Call first.

And if you track anything in, don’t make me clean it up.

Let Unexpected Visitors Die

Photo Credits: Here